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About: admin
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Opening the sea season – Summer 2016
Hello - I am pleased to inform you that this year tradition will Open the Summer season about holidays at 24 May in hotel Char - Primorsko. We hope that the sun will be on our side, the water in the sea will be warm and the beer fridge - cold. The only certainty is…
(Български) Евро 2016 + Олимпиада в хотел ЧАР ММЦ Приморско
Dear clients and friends, We remind you that this summer You will have the opportunity to combine your summer holiday with watching top sporting events of the year, namely the Summer Olympics in Rio and Euro 2016 in France. Hotel Char - Primorsko is prepared for your unforgettable experience. Besides the magnificent beach nearby, we have installed big…
Статия 1
Hello, Thank you for visiting the new site of Hotel Char - Primorsko. Outside it is still winter, but we dream about the sea. We assure you that this summer the team of the hotel "Char" - MMC Primorsko, will do our best to make your vacation a great and memorable. You will enjoy new treats and delights for…
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